View Profile Quiggyboat

Quiggyboat's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 954 (From 102 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 18,095 Points

Reimagine :The Game:

Medals Earned: 6/12 (215/440 points)

Finding Out Who Your REAL Friends Are 5 Points

Share this game! Your REAL friends will weep for you.

Death By Slow Internet 10 Points

Get 1000 points on the Preloader game. YOU MONSTER


Complete Inception The Game in under 30 seconds.

Unzipping in the No-Fly Zone 25 Points

Finish one third of the levels.

Charged With Battery 50 Points

Finish two thirds of the levels.

The End The Game 100 Points

Finish all the levels... Oh, but that's JUST the levels!

Baby I Was Born To Survive 25 Points

Pass Lady Gaga The Game without dying.

Not That Dying On Lost MEANS Dying On Lost 25 Points

Pass LOST THE GAME (haha) without dying.

So Vivid And Intense 25 Points

Pass Rainbows The Game without dying.

Too Soon, Finish Late 25 Points

Survive Earthquakes The Game for 30 seconds.

Viewer Number 301 25 Points

Complete Youtube The Game in under 15 seconds.


Unlock EVERYTHING. Now, you can play the game as your OWN character. SUCCESS.

REPLAYING :the game:

Medals Earned: 4/4 (250/250 points)

A Little Birdie Told Me. 25 Points

Go to the Show Appreciation link. Click the blue birdie. Press 'update'. Thanks.

Bloodbath 25 Points

Kill 150 or more of those buggers in the preloader game.

THE END 100 Points

Meaning it's now time for the level editor, level playlist, unlockables, highscores... NO WAIT COME BACK.

Unlock-ness Monster 100 Points

Unlock everything. You see what I did there with this Medal's title? Lol.

Revert to Growth

Medals Earned: 5/5 (160/160 points)

Overdoing It 10 Points

I think you went a little overboard...

Earth Tinkerer 25 Points

You've molded your own ground!!!

Green Gamer 25 Points

Congrats, you've saved a planet in no apparent danger.

Keys Get! 50 Points

How did those keys get there in the first place?

Returning Home 50 Points

Finally, returning to the land of metal and industry.

Runes of Shalak

Medals Earned: 4/5 (90/115 points)


Beaten the first level.

MY SAVIOUR 10 Points

Saved Kate.


Found the first Rune of Shalak.


Found the 8-bit world.


Killed by every type of hazard.

Seed of Destruction

Medals Earned: 4/14 (30/425 points)

Infertility 5 Points

Get a game over.

Master of Time and Space 5 Points

Pause the game.

Backfire 10 Points

Destroy an enemy by deflecting a projectile at it.

Tankicular Homicide 10 Points

Squish a pedestrian by pushing tank over it.

Drunken Air Show 10 Points

Play a custom game with only jets.

Mega Combo 10 Points

Get a 20+ combo.

Hanging in There 25 Points

Regenerate a total of 10 health bars over the game.

Looking for a Challenge 25 Points

Survive 10 minutes in Custom Mode with all units set at maximum intensity.

Toast Master 25 Points

Kill 10 enemies with the zeppelin's laser.

Ball Fondler 50 Points

Get a score of 10,000 in Grenade Juggler.

Cavalier of Sperm 50 Points

Beat story mode.

Evasivivity 50 Points

Survive 5 minutes on Missile Crisis.

Pedestrian Devestation 50 Points

Get a score of 100 in Pancake Factory.

Seed of Destruction 100 Points

Beat story mode on hard.

Seven's Second Adventure

Medals Earned: 9/9 (285/285 points)

Not Cool 5 Points

Spend less than 5 minutes on the instructions.

Can't Remember what Items you Have? 10 Points

Press A to view your inventory

Look, We made a Game! 10 Points

View Credits

You Read the Directions? 10 Points

Press the M Key to Mute the Game

Awshum 25 Points

Spend more than 5 minutes on the instructions

We're People Too 25 Points

View all of the Bios

Channel Seven Weather Report 50 Points

Find SevenSeize's Secret Movie

Plant Love 50 Points

Find Magical-Zorse's Hidden Flash

Fetch 100 Points

Find John Van Deusen's lost pick.


Medals Earned: 5/16 (60/280 points)

Rookie 5 Points

Finish the first area

AHK-372 10 Points

Defeat the second boss

Damura 10 Points

Defeat the first boss

Frequent Flyer 10 Points

Fly 3,000 miles

Erebos 25 Points

Defeat the third boss

Cremation 5 Points

Obliterate the first boss with all weapon slots equipped

Junkyard 10 Points

Kill 4,000 enemies

Problem, Minecraft? 10 Points

Collect 2,000 gems (spending them is allowed)

Variety 10 Points

Use each weapon in the game at least once

Coeus 25 Points

Defeat the fourth boss

Ding Ding 25 Points

Reach level 20

Hardcore 25 Points

Finish area 4 of AHK-372 with only a bullet rifle

Stealthy 25 Points

Finish area 3 of Coeus without triggering any sentry lights

Untouchable 25 Points

Finish area 4 of Erebos without taking any damage

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Sonny 2

Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/235 points)

The Tape 10 Points

Retrieve the tape from Felicity.

Black Magic 25 Points

Defeat Clemons first time without using team mates. Challenging or Heroic difficulty.

Pacifist 50 Points

Defeat Hydra first time without dealing over 2000 damage during fight. Challenging or Heroic difficulty.

Predator 50 Points

Defeat Captain Hunt without any training fights and without repeating any defeated bosses. Heroic difficulty.

Over the Ashes 100 Points

Defeat the Corruptor in Zone 7.


Medals Earned: 6/7 (110/210 points)

Burp 5 Points

Complete the first chapter.

Airhead 10 Points

Complete the second chapter.

Architect 10 Points

Complete a level made in the map editor.

Rocket Sauce 10 Points

Complete the third chapter.

Gishy 25 Points

Complete the fourth chapter.

Conclusion 50 Points

Complete the final chapter.

Perfectionist 100 Points

Complete the bonus chapter.

Stamper's Quest For Fags

Medals Earned: 5/7 (50/200 points)

Occasional Smoker 10 Points

Score 50 points in easy mode.

2 pack-a-day 25 Points

Score 50 points in medium mode.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Chain Smoker 50 Points

Score 50 points in advanced mode.

Full-Time Addict 100 Points

Score 100 points in nightmare mode.